Search Criteria: Ecuador; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1264, records 126301-126400 of 206562

Herbario Nacional del Ecuador (QCNE)

16553Carlos Eduardo Cerón Martínez   23691987-10-05
Ecuador, Napo, Payamino. Reserva Florística "El Chuncho". Bosque húmedo tropical. Estación Experimental INIAP-Napo. 5 km al NW de Coca., -0.5 -77.01666, 250m

170417John Littner Clark   43841997-04-12
Ecuador, Manabí, Chone, Recinto. Hojas Blanca. Carretera Pedernales-Carmen Mandarino, Entrada el Mono. Famalia Cornejo Loor. Río Mongolla., -0.15 -79.85, 150m

103169John Littner Clark   10211995-06-05
Ecuador, Napo, Sacha Lodge, 3 km NW of the village Añangu, near the Napo river. Tropical Moist Forest., -0.5 -76.43333, 200m

170446John Littner Clark   43451997-04-09
Ecuador, Manabí, Jaramijó, Jama Cantòn. Hacienda Camerones. Propiedad de la Famalia Loor, vía marginal de la costa; 30 km south of Pedernales. 10 m. Mostly cow pastures. Mostly cow pastures with small remnants of Tropical Moist Forest., 0.08333 -80.15, 10m

Thunbergia alata Bojer ex Sims
87643John Richard Abbott   157371994-12-07
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito, Quito; overgrown yard of apartments just west of 1734 Avenida Río Coca., -0.1167 -78.5, 2800m

169445John Littner Clark   64892001-12-14
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Nangaritza, Parroquia: Zurmi. Comunidad Centro Shaime (along Río Nangaritza). Forest 2-4 km NW of Centro Shaime. Forest on limestone outcrop (i.e, presence of sinkholes, rocks, and caves). Evergreen wet forest., 1000m

220486Thomas Bernard Croat   972072006-04-18
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Nangaritza, Cordillera del Cóndor, parroquia Zurmi; vicinity of Las Orquideas, Cabañas Yancuam, ca. 3 km S of Las Orquideas, slopes W of Río Nangaritza., -4.2503 -78.6592, 1128 - 1250m

Cyathea pungens (Willd.) Domin
176362Thomas Bernard Croat   869402002-08-25
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Along road from Palora to Río Amundalo, 5.3 Km NW of Palora, at Río Amundalo, 0.3 Km N of San Vincente at Tarquí., -1.7186 -78.0464, 923m

Cyathea subincisa (Kunze) Domin
225050Thomas Bernard Croat   987732007-09-17
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Nangaritza, Along Río Nangaritza, between Las Orchideas and Miasi., -4.3 -78.6525, 864m

227507Thomas Bernard Croat   993812007-10-06
Ecuador, Sucumbíos, Along road from Lago Agrío; 10.3 km east of Dureno, just north of Río Aguarico., 0.0056 -76.6433, 283m

Danaea Sm.
222128Thomas Bernard Croat   958322006-03-13
Ecuador, Pichincha, Maquipucuna Reserve, vicinity of Nanegal, 19 km N of Nanegalito, 6.7 km NE of Nanegalito-Nanegal Road, turnoff is 3 km S of Nanegal. River Trail along Río Umachaca (Sendero Humeda)., 0.1169 -78.635, 1200 - 1300m

Danaea Sm.
196060Thomas Bernard Croat   906792004-07-10
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Along road between Santiago and Río Morona, 33.7 km east of Santiago. Steep slope with virgin forest., -2.9819 -77.8119, 523m

225049Thomas Bernard Croat   987722007-09-17
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Nangaritza, Along Río Nangaritza, between Las Orchideas and Miasi., -4.3 -78.6525, 864m

197255Thomas Bernard Croat   910942004-07-15
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Along road between Los Encuentros and El Sarsa, 13.7 km S of bridge over Río Zamora at Los Encuentros., -3.8111 -78.6078, 1455m

160520Thomas Bernard Croat   838812000-07-12
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Along road to Río Tulubí from main San Lorenzo-Lita hwy, 33.0 Km E of Gasolinera San Lorenzo at edge of San Lorenzo, along Río San José, 1.1 Km N of main hwy., 1.0789 -78.6497, 59m

90374John Richard Abbott   153151994-09-26
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Quinindé, Bilsa Biological Station, Montañas de Mache, 20 km NW of Quinind and 3 km west of Santa Isabela. Premontane wet forest., 0.36666 -79.75, 600m

Thelypteris Schmidel
196052Thomas Bernard Croat   906882004-07-10
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Along road between Santiago and Río Morona, 33.7 km east of Santiago. Steep slope with virgin forest., -2.9819 -77.8119, 523m

162284Tom Delinks   5101999-11-28
Ecuador, Manabí, Jaramijó, 28 km south of Pedernales (as the crow flies); 3.5 km SW of the town Camarones; remnant tropical fog forest; off trail northwest of Pertextaxto Gutierrez's house., -0.13888 -80.15583, 450 - 500m

86737Alberto Dik   10451994-02-01
Ecuador, Napo, Aguarico, Reserva Etnica Huaorani. Carretera del oleoducto de Maxus en construcción, Km 74. Bosque húmedo Tropical. Bosque primarío. Suelos rojos., -0.8167 -76.3333, 260m

Cyathea microdonta (Desv.) Domin
1128Calaway Homer Dodson   7156
Ecuador, Los Ríos, Vinces, Jauneche forest, km 70 Quevedo-Palenque, via Mocachi., -1.266667 -79.7, 70m

Pteridophyta Schimp.
1267Calaway Homer Dodson   109411981-05-17
Ecuador, Pichincha, Km 94 on old road from Quito to Santo Domingo., -0.164 -78.9, 1060m

62297Alice D. Fay   37351992-07-14
Ecuador, Pastaza, Pastaza, North of city of Puyo, in city park by the river., -1.4833 -77.9847, 950m

Cyathea planadae N.C. Arens & A.R. Sm.
105048Alice D. Fay   32781991-07-10
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito, Río Guajalito Reserve. 10 km W of Chiriboga, km 59 of old road Quito-Santo Domingo. Wet cloud forest., -0.23333 -78.8, 1900m

Cyathea planadae N.C. Arens & A.R. Sm.
56128Alice D. Fay   33971991-07-10
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito, Río Guajalito Reserve. 10 km W of Chiriboga, km 59 of old road Quito-Santo Domingo. Wet cloud forest., -0.23333 -78.8, 1900m

Cyathea poeppigii (Hook.) Domin
62193Alice D. Fay   35461992-07-07
Ecuador, Tungurahua, 1550m

Cyathea pungens (Willd.) Domin
83608Alice D. Fay   39571993-07-03
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Morona, Macas. Roadside vegetation near town of Macas., -2.3167 -78.1333, 1100m

90332John Richard Abbott   152421994-09-24
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Quinindé, Bilsa Biological Station, Montañas de Mache, 20 km NW of Quinind and 3 km west of Santa Isabela. Premontane wet forest., 0.36666 -79.75, 600m

Cyathea pungens (Willd.) Domin
62325Alice D. Fay   37061992-07-19
Ecuador, Pastaza, 950m

127971Alice D. Fay   46011995-07-07
Ecuador, Bolívar, San Miguel, Within 3 km of Balzapamba., -1.7833 -79.1667, 750m

Lellingeria suspensa (L.) A.R. Sm. & R.C. Moran
62298Alice D. Fay   37341992-07-14
Ecuador, Pastaza, Pastaza, North of city of Puyo, in city park by the river., -1.4833 -77.9833, 950m

226592Juergen Homeier   31192007-10-23
Ecuador, Napo, Cordillera de Guacamayos, ca. 6 km SE of Cosanga, wet montane tropical forest, -0.6333 -77.8333, 1980m

227138Juergen Homeier   31212007-10-23
Ecuador, Napo, Cordillera de Guacamayos, ca. 6 km SE of Cosanga, wet montane tropical forest, -0.6333 -77.8333

Cyathea tortuosa R.C. Moran
223242Juergen Homeier   28312007-10-10
Ecuador, Napo, area of the biological station Jatun Sacha, tropical lowland forest, -1.0667 -77.6167, 420m

Cyathea tortuosa R.C. Moran
224510Juergen Homeier   36472008-04-03
Ecuador, Napo, Parque Nacional Sumaco-Galeras, Cordillera Galleras, lower montane rain forest, -0.8283 -77.5367

Cyathea tortuosa R.C. Moran
223607Juergen Homeier   29752007-10-16
Ecuador, Napo, area of the biological station Jatun Sacha, tropical lowland forest, -1.0667 -77.6167, 400m

58653Peter Møller Jørgensen   926401990-10-27
Ecuador, Pichincha, One hectare plot, Lloa Valley, Hcda. Las Palmas del Lcdo. Fernando Sotomayor, 14 km below Lloa towards Mindo. Slightly disturbed cloud forest., -0.83333 -78.63333, 2900m

135404Peter Møller Jørgensen   653351988-05-08
Ecuador, Pichincha, One hectare plot, Lloa Valley, on Hcda. Las Palmas of Lcdo. Fernando Sotomayor. Lloa-Mindo, km 14, unfinished road., -0.1667 -78.6333, 2900m

Aphelandra R. Br.
87712John Richard Abbott   151821994-09-18
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Quinindé, Bilsa Biological Station, Montañas de Mache, 20 km NW of Quinind and 3 km west of Santa Isabela. Premontane wet forest., 0.36666 -79.75, 600m

58649Peter Møller Jørgensen   926591990-10-27
Ecuador, Pichincha, One hectare plot, Lloa Valley, Hcda. Las Palmas del Lcdo. Fernando Sotomayor, 14 km below Lloa towards Mindo. Slightly disturbed cloud forest., -0.83333 -78.63333, 2900m

Cyathea poeppigii (Hook.) Domin
52551Simon Lægaard   519601984-04-20
Ecuador, Pastaza, Road Puyo - Tena, app. 10 km N of Puyo., -1.45 -77.4833, 1000m

Cyathea pungens (Willd.) Domin
52547Simon Lægaard   519721984-04-20
Ecuador, Napo, At small bridge crossing Río Anzu, app. 60 km N of Puyo., -1.1667 -77.8333, 600m

Polypodiaceae J. Presl & C. Presl
25397Simon Lægaard   520971984-05-05
Ecuador, Napo, San Pablo at Río Aguarico. In and close to the community., -0.25 -76.33333, 250m

Cyathea peladensis (Hieron.) Domin
171747Jens Elgaard Madsen   71102000-08-03
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Rd. Loja - Zamora, at the San Francisco Research Center. Upper montane rain forest., -3.9833 -79.0833, 1800 - 2300m

15333Robin J. Marles   EE 521985-06-11
Ecuador, Napo, río Napo & Río Huambuno junction., -1 -77.5, 450m

Cyathea phalaenolepis (C. Chr.) Domin
46237Robbin Craig Moran   52831991-02-06
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Lita - San Lorenze road, 75 km. Disturbed forest., 0.934 -78.643, 100m

Peperomia Ruiz & Pav.
46223Milton Tirado   5101993-10-23
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Eloy Alfaro, Reserva Ecológica Cotacachi-Cayapas. Parroquia Luis Vargas Torres. Río Santiago, estero Pote. Bosque muy húmedo Tropical. Bosque primarío., 0.8167 -78.75, 250m

53115Robbin Craig Moran   51311991-01-25
Ecuador, Napo, Hollín - Loreto road, 32 km mark, 3-4 km south of road, path to permanent sampling plot. Virgin forest., -0.58333 -77.41666, 1200m

133073Hugo Navarrete   9051995-01-31
Ecuador, Pichincha, km 25 del carretero Nanegalito - San Tadeo. Bosque nublado, selectivamente talado., -0.0167 -78.65, 1850m

87687John Richard Abbott   156301994-11-21
Ecuador, Napo, Tena, Jatun Sacha Biological Station; 8 km east of Puerto Misahualli, south of Río Napo. Tropical wet forest. Collected along roadside., -1.0667 -77.6, 400m

Danaea Sm.
132548Hugo Navarrete   6371994-09-04
Ecuador, Orellana, Parque Nacional Yasuní, bosqes en los alrededores de la Estación Científica., -0.6667 -76.4333, 250m

Danaea Sm.
132567Hugo Navarrete   4221992-05-20
Ecuador, Pichincha, Bosque protector Mindo - Nambillo, bosques en los alrededores del centro de Educación Ambiental., -0.0833 -78.7, 1300 - 1450m

193441David A. Neill   144372003-09-06
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, El Pangui, Cordillera del Cóndor. Ridge crest, on sandstone substrate, 2 km north of Cóndor Mirador military post. Low forest or dense shrubby vegetation., -3.6281 -78.395, 1975m

Cyathea peladensis (Hieron.) Domin
106955David A. Neill   105621996-04-06
Ecuador, Napo, Archidona, Parque Nacional Sumaco. Napo-Galeras. Cordillera de Galeras. Block 19. Triton Company. Premontane Rain forest on limestone substrate. "Elfin forest" near summit, east side of mountain., -0.85 -77.51666, 1600m

Cyathea peladensis (Hieron.) Domin
177916David A. Neill   141772002-12-16
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Limón Indanza, Cordillera del Cóndor. Cerrro Chankinias. Wet cloud forest on sandstone ridge, south of Río Warintza, east of main ridge of Cordillera., 2500m

79912David A. Neill   101771992-12-04
Ecuador, Napo, Orellana, Maxus petroleum pipeline road, under construction, 2 km south of Río Napo. Comuna Pompeya. Primary forest on nearly flat terrain. Alluvial soil on old river terrace. Tropical moist forest., -0.5 -76.6667, 220m

125681David A. Neill   112801998-08-25
Ecuador, Manabí, Pedernales, Camarones, 30 km south of Pedernales on coastal highway. Tropical moist forest. Primary forest on hills, 2 km from the seashore., -0.06666 -80.16666, 50m

125543David A. Neill   111241998-01-20
Ecuador, Pastaza, Pastaza, Río Acaro or Challuayacu (erroneously as "Río Manderoyacu" on IGM map). Near ACRO potential oil well site "A". Valley bottom, alluvial soil, sandstone Chambira formation., 330m

21023David A. Neill   89981989-05-04
Ecuador, Pastaza, Vía Auca, 115 km S of Coca, near Río Tigüino. Entrance road to PETRO-CANADA oil well site; km 4-5 of new road. Tropical Moist Forest. Primary forest; trees felled for road., -1.25 -76.9167, 320m

57590Benjamin Øllgaard   993731991-10-21
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Miazi, at junction of Río Chumbiriatza with Río Nangaritza. Tall montane forest, riverside forest, riverbanks, dwarfed mossy ridgetop forest and calcareous rocks., -4.3167 -78.6667, 1200 - 950m

Hygrophila R. Br.
91969John Richard Abbott   150661994-09-13
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Quinindé, Bilsa Biological Station, Montañas de Mache, 20 km NW of Quinind and 3 km west of Santa Isabela. Premontane wet forest., 0.36666 -79.75, 600m

182248Benjamin Øllgaard   9041995-02-28
Ecuador, Pichincha, Reserva Maquipucuna, ca. 5 km (airline) ESE of Nanegal, Hda. El Carmen, trail along Río Umachaca, just W of research station., 0.1167 -78.6333, 1250 - 1350m

Cyathea nigripes (C. Chr.) Domin
173372Benjamin Øllgaard   10291995-02-28
Ecuador, Pichincha, Reserva Maquipucuna, ca. 5 km (airline) ESE of Nanegal, Hda. El Carmen, trail along Río Umachaca, just W of research station., 0.1167 -78.6333, 1250 - 1350m

46972Benjamin Øllgaard   908901989-03-08
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Road Loja-Zamora, c. 13 km E of the pass, just before junction with old road., -3.9667 -79.0833, 2030m

27137Benjamin Øllgaard   980191990-06-10
Ecuador, Pichincha, Estación Científica Río Guajalito, in Quebrada Las Palmeras, along road Chiriboga-El Transito. Along trail in wet montane forest., -0.23333 -78.78333, 1930 - 1800m

59214Benjamin Øllgaard   991601991-09-28
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Road Lita-San Lorenzo (under construction), km 34.4. Disturbed montane forest along river., 0.8667 -78.5167, 650m

Cyathea macrocarpa (C. Presl) Domin
136192Benjamin Øllgaard   14861995-11-16
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Trail Makuma-Mutinza, eastern foothills of Cord. Cutucú., -2.1667 -77.7333, 660 - 750m

136065Benjamin Øllgaard   14791995-11-16
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Mutinza, eastern foothills of Cord. Cutucú, trail to Tunantza., -2.1833 -77.7333, 660 - 680m

Cyathea nigripes (C. Chr.) Domin
140932Benjamin Øllgaard   1055611994-11-11
Ecuador, Pastaza, Road N of Mera, toward Río Anzu, km 6.7. Disturbed forest remnant and open Solanum quitense plantation., -1.4333 -78.0833, 1480m

Cyathea nigripes (C. Chr.) Domin
47929Benjamin Øllgaard   987751991-01-13
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Road Lita-Alto Tambo, km 18. Perhumid forest on plateau., 0.7833 -78.5, 900m

Cyathea pallescens (Sodiro) Domin
47926Benjamin Øllgaard   988011991-02-14
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, New road Loja-Zamora, km 12.5 E of the pass. River ravine with montane forest on rocky slopes., -3.9667 -79.1, 2000m

91995John Richard Abbott   150091994-09-07
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Quinindé, Bilsa Biological Station, Montañas de Mache, 20 km NW of Quinind and 3 km west of Santa Isabela. Premontane wet forest., 0.36666 -79.75, 600m

Cyathea pallescens (Sodiro) Domin
34202Benjamin Øllgaard   908291989-03-04
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Road La Argelia (southern Loja)-La Palma, along crest of the mountain range just SW of Loja., -4.066667 -79.233333, 2700 - 2950m

Cyathea pallescens (Sodiro) Domin
121661Benjamin Øllgaard   1006041993-02-18
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Road Valladolid-Yangana, km 10.4-12.3. Open road banks and adjacent elfin forest., -4.4833 -79.1667, 2450 - 2580m

Cyathea patens H. Karst.
60137Benjamin Øllgaard   904881989-02-12
Ecuador, Loja, Saraguro, Ca. km 5 on road leading to Fierro Urcu from Pichig, SSW of Saraguro., -3.7 -79.3, 3100 - 3200m

Cyathea phalaenolepis (C. Chr.) Domin
176655Benjamin Øllgaard   1053801994-11-03
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Road Lita-San Lorenzo, km 38. Steep stream ravine near tall cliff., 1.0167 -78.6167, 450m

Cyathea pilosissima (Baker) Domin
58428Benjamin Øllgaard   992481991-10-21
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Miazi, at junction of Río Chumbiriatza with Río Nangaritza. Tall montane forest, riverside forest, riverbanks, dwarfed mossy ridgetop forest and calcareous rocks., -4.3167 -78.6667, 1200 - 950m

Cyathea pilosissima (Baker) Domin
172267Benjamin Øllgaard   575091985-02-07
Ecuador, Carchi, Perhumid forest on wet plateau above San Marcos de los Coaiqueres, on trail towards Gualpí Bajo., 1.1 -78.2833, 800m

Cyathea pilosissima (Baker) Domin
47813Benjamin Øllgaard   986801991-01-12
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Road Lita-Urbina (under construction), km 38.8. Wet forest on slope along small river., 0.7833 -78.5833, 500 - 450m

34098Benjamin Øllgaard   911181989-03-19
Ecuador, Loja, Saraguro, New road Loja-Saraguro, km 17., -3.916667 -79.25, 2600 - 2650m

Cyathea poeppigii (Hook.) Domin
46512Benjamin Øllgaard   748651988-06-13
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Hills with pasture and disturbed forest immediately S and SE of Zamora, -4.0667 -78.95, 1000 - 1250m

Cyathea pungens (Willd.) Domin
172276Benjamin Øllgaard   574791985-02-07
Ecuador, Carchi, Perhumid forest on wet plateau above San Marcos de los Coaiqueres, on trail towards Gualpí Bajo., 1.1 -78.2833, 1000m

Aizoaceae Martinov
90317John Richard Abbott   153561994-10-14
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito, Quito; in El Parque La Carolina, proposed site of Quito Botanical Garden; disturbed area with artificial mounds of dirt., -0.1167 -78.5, 2800m

Cyathea pungens (Willd.) Domin
58425Benjamin Øllgaard   992631991-10-21
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Miazi, at junction of Río Chumbiriatza with Río Nangaritza. Tall montane forest, riverside forest, riverbanks, dwarfed mossy ridgetop forest and calcareous rocks., -4.3167 -78.6667, 1200 - 950m

173318Benjamin Øllgaard   12441995-10-27
Ecuador, Napo, Oyacachi, ca 1.5 km SE of the village, tall Alnus forest on slightly sloping ground S of river. Huatiquita., -0.2167 -78.05, 3200m

Cyathea tortuosa R.C. Moran
136071Benjamin Øllgaard   14951995-11-18
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Mutinza, eastern foothills of Cord. Cutucú, trail to Tunantza., -2.1833 -77.7333, 660 - 680m

Cyathea tortuosa R.C. Moran
57607Benjamin Øllgaard   997271992-01-29
Ecuador, Sucumbíos, Trail at Río Ushaué N of Coop. Flor del Valle (2.5 km W of bridge over Río Aguarico at Lumbaqui). Shaded riverbank and forest on gravelly soil., 0.0833 -77.3333, 500m

Cyathea tortuosa R.C. Moran
58422Benjamin Øllgaard   992811991-10-21
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Miazi, at junction of Río Chumbiriatza with Río Nangaritza. Tall montane forest, riverside forest, riverbanks, dwarfed mossy ridgetop forest and calcareous rocks., -4.3167 -78.6667, 1200 - 950m

Cyathea tortuosa R.C. Moran
173432Benjamin Øllgaard   11011995-03-09
Ecuador, Pichincha, Saguangal, Hda. Conquista. Water catchment forest reserve ca 2 km S of Hda. Tall moist to wet forest., 0.2333 -78.7833, 770 - 820m

Cyathea tortuosa R.C. Moran
44202Benjamin Øllgaard   984771990-12-08
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, río Nangaritza; Colina Salada, c. 2 km E of Destacamento Shaime. Montane forest., -4.3667 -78.6667, 1050 - 900m

Cyathea tortuosa R.C. Moran
44177Benjamin Øllgaard   984391990-12-07
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Shaime, at junction of Río Nangaritza and Río Numpatakai. Tall montane forest., -4.3667 -78.7, 1080 - 1000m

Cyathea tortuosa R.C. Moran
58194Benjamin Øllgaard   996151992-01-22
Ecuador, Pastaza, Road Santana (río Pastaza)-Madre Tierra, at Río Chininbuimi. Trail in tall forest on slope., -1.6167 -78, 1000m

Cyathea tortuosa R.C. Moran
44422Benjamin Øllgaard   983161990-12-04
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Cordillera del Condor; trail from Patchicutza along quebrada Patchicutza towards 'el hito' (linea de facto) on the cordillera. Wet montane forest., 1450 - 850m

91996John Richard Abbott   150081994-09-07
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Quinindé, Bilsa Biological Station, Montañas de Mache, 20 km NW of Quinind and 3 km west of Santa Isabela. Premontane wet forest., 0.36666 -79.75, 600m

Cyathea tortuosa R.C. Moran
133839Benjamin Øllgaard   14421995-11-14
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Trail along Río Inimkis, ca 3 km NE of village of Inimkis (San Luis)toward foothills of Cord. Cutucú. Disturbed montane forest., -2.3833 -78.1, 900 - 1000m

Cyathea tortuosa R.C. Moran
133855Benjamin Øllgaard   14631995-11-16
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Mutinza, eastern foothills of Cord. Cutucú, trail to Tunantza., -2.1833 -77.7333, 660 - 680m

Cyathea tortuosa R.C. Moran
171943Benjamin Øllgaard   12981995-11-02
Ecuador, Pastaza, Chapeton on Río Bobonaza, trail E of village to Río Aulapi. Tall rain forest., -1.6333 -77.6833, 430 - 450m

34097Benjamin Øllgaard   911131989-03-19
Ecuador, Loja, Saraguro, New road Loja-Saraguro, km 17., -3.916667 -79.25, 2600 - 2650m

171980Benjamin Øllgaard   12961995-10-28
Ecuador, Napo, Oyacachi, E of the village, trail to Pueblo Viejo., -0.2167 -78.0333, 2900 - 3200m

Cyathea ulei (Christ) Domin
59103Benjamin Øllgaard   993071991-10-21
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Miazi, at junction of Río Chumbiriatza with Río Nangaritza. Tall montane forest, riverside forest, riverbanks, dwarfed mossy ridgetop forest and calcareous rocks., -4.3167 -78.6667, 1200 - 950m

Danaea Sm.
176699Benjamin Øllgaard   1053431994-11-03
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Road Lita-San Lorenzo, km 46.7. Tall wet forest on undulating ground., 1.0667 -78.65, 150m

Page 1264, records 126301-126400 of 206562

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Google Maps is a web mapping service provided by Google that features a map that users can pan (by dragging the mouse) and zoom (by using the mouse wheel). Collection points are displayed as colored markers that when clicked on, displays the full information for that collection. When multiple species are queried (separated by semi-colons), different colored markers denote each individual species.

Google Earth (KML)

This creates an KML file that can be opened in the Google Earth mapping application. Note that you must have Google Earth installed on your computer to make use of this option.
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