Search Criteria: Ecuador; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1316, records 131501-131600 of 206562

Herbario Nacional del Ecuador (QCNE)

Herrania nitida R.E. Schult.
15440Henrik Balslev   46151983-01-12
Ecuador, Orellana, Comuna San José de Payamino at Río Payamino 4-5 hours upstream from Coca in motor cano. Tropical rain forest and old gardens. Information: Silverío Jipa (33 years, married, 4 kids) and others from the community., -0.5 -77.3, 300m

127138Henrik Balslev   43571983-07-28
Ecuador, Napo, Río Cuyabeno below inlet of Río Tarapui, Pto. Bolivar, in garden of Victoriano Críollo. Native indian garden in tropical rain forest., -0.083333 -76.166667, 230m

Herrania Goudot
15439Henrik Balslev   28061982-08-18
Ecuador, Napo, Mision Pompeya 50 km al E of Coca. Disturbed vegetation near houses next to the river in tropical rainforest. Informants: Padre Juan Santos Ortiz de Villalba and Santos Dea., -0.46666 -76.71666, 200m

187785Lorena Carrillo   4142004-05-10
Ecuador, Orellana, Loreto, Etnia Kichwa, Comunidad Indillama. Bosque muy húmedo tropical, con áreas pantanosas. Suelo arcilloso amarillento. Proyecto Etnobotánico del Herbarío Nacional, co-financiado por PetroEcuador., -0.43333 -76.51666, 250m

15318Henrik Balslev   46161983-12-01
Ecuador, Napo, Comuna San José de Payamino at Río Payamino 4-5 hours upstream from Coca in motor cano. Tropical rain forest and old gardens. Information: Silverío Jipa (33 years, married, 4 kids) and others from the community., -0.5 -77.3, 300m

Malvaceae Juss.
52693Henrik Balslev   974481990-03-11
Ecuador, Sucumbíos, Reserva Faunistica Cuyabeno. Laguna Grande and surroundings, including Río Cuyabeno from Pto. Bolívar to above Laguna Cañangueno., 265m

Malvaceae Juss.
15048Henrik Balslev   31321982-09-17
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Carretera Chontaduro - Río Verde km 3-10. Selva tropical y pastorales., 0.0167 -79.4833, 200m

52228Henrik Balslev   973581990-03-11
Ecuador, Sucumbíos, Reserva Faunistica Cuyabeno. Laguna Grande and surroundings, including Río Cuyabeno from Pto. Bolívar to above Laguna Cañangueno., 265m

52711Henrik Balslev   974221990-03-11
Ecuador, Sucumbíos, Reserva Faunistica Cuyabeno. Laguna Grande and surroundings, including Río Cuyabeno from Pto. Bolívar to above Laguna Cañangueno., 265m

52190Henrik Balslev   974621990-03-11
Ecuador, Sucumbíos, Reserva Faunistica Cuyabeno. Laguna Grande and surroundings, including Río Cuyabeno from Pto. Bolívar to above Laguna Cañangueno., 265m

48871Henrik Balslev   21291981-10-18
Ecuador, Pichincha, Carretera. Chillogallo - Alluriquin km 62. Corte de la carretera, en selva de montaña., -0.2666 -78.5666, 2000m

15444Henrik Balslev   28121982-08-19
Ecuador, Napo, Río Napo, north bank near the outlet of Río Jivino. Small banana-, yucca-, etc. plantation near native house i tropical rainforest. Information by Mrs. Mamallacta, translated by Sr. Lic. Santos Dea from Pompeya., -0.46666 -76.71666, 200m

48848Henrik Balslev   22071982-01-30
Ecuador, Pichincha, Camino Yanacocha al falda norte de Cerro Pichincha. Bosque montaña nublado., -0.0833 -78.55, 3500m

Valeriana pilosa Ruiz & Pav.
15114Henrik Balslev   31541982-09-19
Ecuador, Pichincha, 3800m

Trizeuxis Lindl.
83459Fernando Hurtado   29371991-12-01
Ecuador, Pastaza, Pastaza, Pozo petrolero Villano 2 de ARCO. Bosque húmedo Tropical. Bosque primarío. Arboles cortados por las obras petroleras. Informante: Dalmacio Molina., 400m

187459Lorena Carrillo   3732004-05-06
Ecuador, Orellana, Loreto, Etnia Kichwa. Comunidad Indillama. Bosque muy húmedo tropical, con áreas pantanosas. Suelo arcilloso amarillento. Proyecto Etnobotánico del Hernarío Nacional, co-financiado por PetroEcuador., -0.43333 -76.51666, 250m

Violaceae Batsch
143530Henrik Balslev   845491989-03-22
Ecuador, Sucumbíos, Reserva Faunistica Cuyabeno, north of Lagune Grande. Terre firme forest., 0.0167 -76.1833, 265m

35770Henrik Balslev   46981983-12-27
Ecuador, Pichincha, Road Quito to Puerto Quito km 113, forest reserve of ENDESA ca 10 km N of the main road. Primary forest and deforested areas around the reserve., 0.1167 -79.0333, 800m

15324Henrik Balslev   27961982-08-18
Ecuador, Napo, Mision Pompeya 50 km al E of Coca. Disturbed vegetation near houses next to the river in tropical rainforest. Informants: Padre Juan Santos Ortiz de Villalba and Santos Dea., -0.46666 -76.71666, 200m

Verbenaceae J. St.-Hil.
15372Henrik Balslev   28131982-08-19
Ecuador, Napo, Río Napo, north bank near the outlet of Río Jivino. Small banana-, yucca-, etc. plantation near native house i tropical rainforest. Information by Mrs. Mamallacta, translated by Sr. Lic. Santos Dea from Pompeya., -0.46666 -76.71666, 200m

141628Henrik Balslev   622361986-04-11
Ecuador, Napo, Añangu, south bank of río Napo 95 km downstream from Coca. Tropical rain forest, -0.53333 -76.38333, 300m

Guzmania monostachia (L.) Rusby ex Mez
36931Henrik Balslev   19470198-09-05
Ecuador, Carchi, Tulcán, Alrededores de Maldonado, 90 al oeste de Tulcan, 0.9108 -78.1083, 1500m

12579Henrik Balslev   31951982-09-23
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Carretera Loja-Zamora, km 15-18. Faldas orientales. Selva nublada., -3.9667 -79.1167

48905Henrik Balslev   21521982-01-17
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito, Carretera Nono-Nanegalito, km 3-10, faldas norte de Volán Pichincha. Selva de montaña secundaria., -0.41666 -78.95, 2300 - 2500m

144025Henrik Balslev   846041989-03-26
Ecuador, Sucumbíos, Cuyabeno, Reserva faunística Cuyabeno, north of Laguna Grande. Terra firme, tropical rain forest., -0.01666 -76.18333, 265m

12578Henrik Balslev   34700000-00-00
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, Parque Nacional Cotopaxi. Cerca del límite SW., -0.6667 -78.5, 3200m

Razisea ericae Mildbr. ex Wassh.
204189Lorena Carrillo   6102005-02-22
Ecuador, Orellana, Aguarico, Parroquia Capitan Agusto Rivadeneira, comunidad Chiro-Isla. Bosque muy húmedo tropical siempre verde de tierras baja. Bosque de matorrales. Suelo arcilloso café. Informante Alejandro Noa. Proyecto Etnobotánico de las comunidades indígenas del área de influencia de PetroEcuador. Ejecutado por la Corporación Botánica Ecuadendron-Herbarío Nacional del Ecuador QCNE y la Escuela de Biología, Universidad Central. Con la colaboración de Missouri Botanical Garden, Fundación Jatun Sacha y Dirección Nacional de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe., -0.6244 -75.8586, 209m

162030Harriet George Barclay   78911959-07-12
Ecuador, Pichincha, Cordillera Occidental; "Pondona-Pundanan"; volcán de crater de Pululahua., 0.0297 -78.4714, 2900m

162027Harriet George Barclay   78231959-07-11
Ecuador, Pichincha, Cordillera Occidental; los vertientes de Pichincha, overlooking Quito, 3350m

162019Harriet George Barclay   87061959-08-08
Ecuador, Cañar, Biblian, Nudo entre Cordillera Occidental y Cordillera Oriental; entre Canar y Biblian., 3000m

162013Harriet George Barclay   84491959-08-01
Ecuador, Azuay, Dry subpáramo south of río León, 3000m

91318Anders Sánchez Barfod   410451982-10-24
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Río Zapallo Grande (tributary of Río Cayapa). Trail leading into forest near dwellings 500 m upstream from the evangelic mission station. Lightly disturbed rain forest on terra firme. Ethnobot. inform.: Marclovio Añapa and Vicente Tapuyo., 0.8 -78.8, 200m

91348Anders Sánchez Barfod   414781983-01-18
Ecuador, Carchi, N of San Marcos along trail leading to Río San Juan. Primary rain forest on terra firme. Ethnobot. inform.: Santiago Dinero., 1.11666 -78.8, 660m

91412Anders Sánchez Barfod   412891982-12-06
Ecuador, Napo, South-western side of Vulcán Antisana. Lava flow close to the road from the hacienda to Quito. Sparsely colonized., -0.5 -78.8, 3290m

52366Anders Sánchez Barfod   414181983-01-17
Ecuador, Carchi, N of San Marcos along small streams and trails in primary rain forest on terra firme. Ethnobot. inform.: Don Elias Taï., 1.1167 -78.3333, 660m

Triolena spicata L.O. Williams
171200Anders Sánchez Barfod   489051983-11-20
Ecuador, Carchi, San Marcos valley. Farmland and rain forest disturbed by the local Coaiquer (Awa) Amerindians., 1.1167 -78.3667, 600m

91298Anders Sánchez Barfod   410841982-10-28
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Río Zapallo Grande (tributary of Río Cayapa). Trail leading to hills 700 m upstream from the evangelic mission station. Lightly disturbed rain forest on terra firme. Ethnobot. inform.: Marclovio Añapa and VicenteTapuyo., 0.8 -78.8667, 200m

187434Lorena Carrillo   4002004-05-10
Ecuador, Orellana, Loreto, Etnia Kichwa. Comunidad Indillama. Bosque muy húmedo tropical, con áreas pantanosas. Suelo arcilloso amarillento. Proyecto Etnobotánico del Hernarío Nacional, co-financiado por PetroEcuador., -0.4333333 -76.5166667, 250m

101111Anders Sánchez Barfod   414951983-01-19
Ecuador, Carchi, San Marcos. Behind coaiquer-men clearing rain forest for growing maize. Secondary rain forest on terra firme. The area belongs to Govenador Don Ignacio andis situated near his house. Ethnobot. inform.: Santiago Dinero., 1.1167 -78.3333, 660m

127300Anders Sánchez Barfod   486421983-11-16
Ecuador, Carchi, Chical, farmland and disturbed rain forest south of the village., 1.0833 -78.2833, 1200m

52416Anders Sánchez Barfod   413521982-12-17
Ecuador, Carchi, Lita. Collections made in front of bulldozers constructing the Lita - San Lorenzo road, 5 km from Lita. Primary rain forest on terra firme., 0.83333 -78.46666, 600m

104283Anders Sánchez Barfod   490061983-12-10
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Bãnos-puyo road 6 km. south of Bãnos. Trail leading disturbed wet montane forest., -1.3667 -78.4167, 2500m

52429Anders Sánchez Barfod   413351982-12-16
Ecuador, Carchi, Lita. Along trail leading south through colonisation areas. Disturbed rain forest and pastures., 0.78333 -78.46666, 564m

135055Anders Sánchez Barfod   600911985-07-22
Ecuador, Pichincha, Alluriquin - Quito road, km 50. Creek along a small riverine. Shrubby vegetation., 0.46666 -78.73333, 2700m

91431Anders Sánchez Barfod   412611982-12-05
Ecuador, Napo, South-western slopes of Vulcán Antisana. In quebrado near small stream (outfall in Laguna Micacocha). Páramo pajonal., -0.5 -78.1667, 4000m

135053Anders Sánchez Barfod   600881985-07-22
Ecuador, Pichincha, Alluriquin - Quito road, km 50. Creek along a small riverine. Shrubby vegetation., 0.46666 -78.73333, 2700m

Oenothera virgata Ruiz & Pav.
91384Anders Sánchez Barfod   413291982-12-11
Ecuador, Pichincha, Cotopaxi Nature Reserve. Close to road leading from the entrance to Limpio Pongo. Valley probably water eroded at the last eruption of Vulcán Cotopaxi., -0.7 -78.53333, 3850m

171206Anders Sánchez Barfod   489301983-11-20
Ecuador, Carchi, San Marcos valley. Farmland and rain forest disturbed by the local Coaiquer (Awa) Amerindians., 1.1167 -78.3667, 600m

204194Lorena Carrillo   6142005-02-22
Ecuador, Orellana, Aguarico, Parroquia Capitan Agusto Rivadeneira, comunidad Chiro-Isla. Bosque muy húmedo tropical siempre verde de tierras baja. Bosque de matorrales. Suelo arcilloso café. Informante Alejandro Noa. Proyecto Etnobotánico de las comunidades indígenas del área de influencia de PetroEcuador. Ejecutado por la Corporación Botánica Ecuadendron-Herbarío Nacional del Ecuador QCNE y la Escuela de Biología, Universidad Central. Con la colaboración de Missouri Botanical Garden, Fundación Jatun Sacha y Dirección Nacional de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe., -0.6244 -75.8586, 209m

141012Anders Sánchez Barfod   480431983-10-08
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Disturbed river bank vegetation along Río Camerones - a small tributary to Río Cayapa., 0.9167 -78.9167, 50m

141020Anders Sánchez Barfod   481661983-10-11
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Zapallo Grande, a mixed black and Cayapa Amerindian community along Río Cayapa. Second growth vegetation and disturbed rain forests close to village., 0.8 -78.9, 200m

171258Anders Sánchez Barfod   489001983-11-20
Ecuador, Carchi, San Marcos valley. Farmland and rain forest disturbed by the local Coaiquer (Awa) Amerindians., 1.1167 -78.3667, 600m

91404Anders Sánchez Barfod   412971982-12-06
Ecuador, Napo, 3290m

104248Anders Sánchez Barfod   485021983-11-03
Ecuador, Guayas, El Progreso along road between Salinas and Guayaquil. Dry shrubby vegetation and pastureland., 50m

101296Anders Sánchez Barfod   484721983-11-02
Ecuador, Guayas, Salinas. Dry slopes along the coast.

Jaltomata Schltdl.
91405Anders Sánchez Barfod   412961982-12-06
Ecuador, Napo, South-western side of Vulcán Antisana. Lava flow close to the road from the hacienda to Quito. Sparsely colonized., -0.5 -78.1667, 3290m

91417Anders Sánchez Barfod   412841982-12-05
Ecuador, Napo, South-western slopes of Vulcán Antisana. Scattered shrubby vegetation (páramo pajonal), 1 m tall., -0.5 -78.1667, 3100m

104267Anders Sánchez Barfod   485371983-11-03
Ecuador, Guayas, El Progreso along road between Salinas and Guayaquil. Dry shrubby vegetation and pastureland., 50m

104296Anders Sánchez Barfod   490231983-12-10
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Bãnos-puyo road 6 km. south of Bãnos. Trail leading disturbed wet montane forest., -1.3667 -78.4167, 2500m

187698Lorena Carrillo   3322004-03-29
Ecuador, Sucumbíos, Shushufindi, Etnia Kichwa, Comunidad Itaya. Cumbuniyacu, margen izquierdo, a 200 m de la carretera que conduce al Puerto Itaya. Bosque muy húmedo tropical. Bosque poco intervenido. Suelo arcilloso rojizo. Proyecto Etnobotánico del Herbarío Nacional, co-financiado por PetroEcuador., -0.3739 -76.5522, 280m

91310Anders Sánchez Barfod   410671983-10-26
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Río Zapallo Grande (tributary of Río Cayapa). Trail leading into forest near dwellings 400 m upstream from the evangelic mission station. Lightly disturbed rain forest on terra firme. Ethnobot. inform.: Marclovio Añapa and Vicente Tapuyo., 0.8 -78.8667, 200m

91315Anders Sánchez Barfod   410531982-10-25
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Río Zapallo Grande (tributary of Río Cayapa). Trail leading to hills from the riverbank opposite to the evangelic mission station. Lightly disturbed rain forest on terra firme. Ethnobot. inform.: Marclovio Añapa and Vicente Tapuyo., 0.8 -78.8667, 200m

171201Anders Sánchez Barfod   489111983-11-20
Ecuador, Carchi, San Marcos valley. Farmland and rain forest disturbed by the local Coaiquer (Awa) Amerindians., 1.1167 -78.3667, 600m

91307Anders Sánchez Barfod   410711983-10-27
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Río Zapallo Grande (tributary of Río Cayapa). Trail leading into forest near dwellings 400 m upstream from the evangelic mission station. Lightly disturbed rain forest on terra firme. Ethnobot. inform.: Marclovio Añapa and Vicente Tapuyo., 0.8 -78.8667, 200m

91323Anders Sánchez Barfod   410371982-10-24
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Río Zapallo Grande (tributary of Río Cayapa). Trail leading into forest near dwellings 500 m upstream from the evangelic mission station. Lightly disturbed rain forest on terra firme. Ethnobot. inform.: Marclovio Añapa and Vicente Tapuyo., 0.8 -78.8667, 200m

Castilla elastica Sessé ex Cerv.
143011Anders Sánchez Barfod   482141983-10-11
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Zapallo Grande, a mixed black and Cayapa Amerindian community along Río Cayapa. Second growth vegetation and disturbed rain forests close to village., 0.8 -78.9, 200m

127434Anders Sánchez Barfod   485811983-11-16
Ecuador, Carchi, Chical, farmland and disturbed rain forest south of the village., 1.0833 -78.2833, 1200m

127435Anders Sánchez Barfod   485821983-11-16
Ecuador, Carchi, Chical, farmland and disturbed rain forest south of the village., 1.0833 -78.2833, 1200m

91301Anders Sánchez Barfod   410801982-10-28
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Río Zapallo Grande (tributary of Río Cayapa). Trail leading to hills 700 m upstream from the evangelic mission station. Lightly disturbed rain forest on terra firme. Ethnobot. inform.: Marclovio Añapa and VicenteTapuyo., 0.8 -78.8667, 200m

124315Anders Sánchez Barfod   484241983-10-19
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Zapallo Grande, a mixed Afro-latin and Cayapa Amerindian community along Río Cayapa. Secondary vegetation and disturbed rain forests close to village., 0.8 -78.9, 200m

Ruellia chartacea (T. Anderson) Wassh.
187719Lorena Carrillo   3092004-03-25
Ecuador, Sucumbíos, Shushufindi, Etnia Kichwa, Comunidad Itaya. Cumbuniyacu, margen izquierdo, a 200 m de la carretera que conduce al Puerto Itaya. Bosque muy húmedo tropical. Bosque poco intervenido. Suelo arcilloso rojizo. Proyecto Etnobotánico del Herbarío Nacional, co-financiado por PetroEcuador., -0.3739 -76.5522, 280m

101280Anders Sánchez Barfod   484421983-10-19
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Zapallo Grande, a mixed Afro-latin and Cayapa Amerindian community along Río Cayapa. Secondary vegetation and disturbed rain forests close to village., 0.8 -78.9, 200m

171202Anders Sánchez Barfod   489121983-11-20
Ecuador, Carchi, San Marcos valley. Farmland and rain forest disturbed by the local Coaiquer (Awa) Amerindians., 1.1167 -78.3667, 600m

135468Anders Sánchez Barfod   414381983-01-17
Ecuador, Carchi, 1.116667 -78.333333, 660m

91317Anders Sánchez Barfod   410491982-10-24
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Río Zapallo Grande (tributary of Río Cayapa). Trail leading into forest near dwellings 500 m upstream from the evangelic mission station. Lightly disturbed rain forest on terra firme. Ethnobot. inform.: Marclovio Añapa and Vicente Tapuyo., 0.8 -78.8667, 200m

91345Anders Sánchez Barfod   410101982-10-22
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Río Zapallo Grande (tributary of Río Cayapa). Trail leading into forest from the riverbank opposite to the evangelic mission station. Seconday rain forest on terra firme, understory layer well developed., 0.8 -78.8667, 200m

127143Anders Sánchez Barfod   483251983-10-19
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Zapallo Grande, a mixed Afro-latin and Cayapa Amerindian community along Río Cayapa. Secondary vegetation and disturbed rain forests close to village., 0.8 -78.9, 200m

141039Anders Sánchez Barfod   481691983-10-11
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Zapallo Grande, a mixed black and Cayapa Amerindian community along Río Cayapa. Second growth vegetation and disturbed rain forests close to village., 0.8 -78.9, 200m

104241Anders Sánchez Barfod   484911983-11-03
Ecuador, Guayas, El Progreso along road between Salinas and Guayaquil. Dry shrubby vegetation and pastureland., 50m

104243Anders Sánchez Barfod   484931983-11-03
Ecuador, Guayas, El Progreso along road between Salinas and Guayaquil. Dry shrubby vegetation and pastureland., 50m

101275Anders Sánchez Barfod   484301983-10-19
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Zapallo Grande, a mixed Afro-latin and Cayapa Amerindian community along Río Cayapa. Secondary vegetation and disturbed rain forests close to village., 0.8 -78.9, 200m

187284Lorena Carrillo   1712004-01-27
Ecuador, Sucumbíos, Putumayo, Comunidad Puerto Bolívar a 2:30 horas del puente del río Cuyabeno aguas bajo. Bosque muy húmedo tropical. Bosque poco intervenido, inundado por aguas blancas. Suelo arcilloso rojiso. Proyecto Etnobotánico del Herbarío Nacional co-financiado por PetroEcuador., -0.0977777 -76.1519444, 250m

Byttneria Loefl.
101135Anders Sánchez Barfod   415371983-02-12
Ecuador, Imbabura, Otavalo. Along trail leading to Laguna San Pablo from Otavalo town. Hedgerows and ditches, shrubby vegetation., 0.2333 -78.2167, 2700m

104251Anders Sánchez Barfod   485091983-11-03
Ecuador, Guayas, El Progreso along road between Salinas and Guayaquil. Dry shrubby vegetation and pastureland., 50m

104249Anders Sánchez Barfod   485061983-11-03
Ecuador, Guayas, El Progreso along road between Salinas and Guayaquil. Dry shrubby vegetation and pastureland., 50m

Malvaceae Juss.
135074Anders Sánchez Barfod   60062A1985-07-15
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Río Verde, west of Chontaduro. Disturbed shrubby vegetation on slope to river., 0.95 -79.4333, 50m

171350Anders Sánchez Barfod   487791983-11-20
Ecuador, Carchi, San Marcos valley. Farmland and rain forest disturbed by the local Coaiquer (Awa) Amerindians., 1.1167 -78.3667, 600m

124318Anders Sánchez Barfod   484271983-10-19
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Zapallo Grande, a mixed Afro-latin and Cayapa Amerindian community along Río Cayapa. Secondary vegetation and disturbed rain forests close to village., 0.8 -78.9, 200m

199303Anders Sánchez Barfod   415111983-01-19
Ecuador, Carchi, San Marcos. Behind coaiquer-men clearing rain forest for growing maize. Secondary rain forest on terra firme. The area belongs to Govenador Don Ignacio andis situated near his house. Ethnobot. inform.: Santiago Dinero., 1.1167 -78.3333, 660m

142607Anders Sánchez Barfod   480021983-10-08
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San Lorenzo. Disturbed mangrove close to town., 1.2333 -78.8333

Urera caracasana (Jacq.) Gaudich. ex Griseb.
199306Anders Sánchez Barfod   415081983-01-19
Ecuador, Carchi, San Marcos. Behind coaiquer-men clearing rain forest for growing maize. Secondary rain forest on terra firme. The area belongs to Govenador Don Ignacio andis situated near his house. Ethnobot. inform.: Santiago Dinero., 1.1167 -78.3333, 660m

Urera Gaudich.
127294Anders Sánchez Barfod   486281983-11-16
Ecuador, Carchi, Chical, farmland and disturbed rain forest south of the village., 1.0833 -78.2833, 1200m

187262Lorena Carrillo   1972004-01-30
Ecuador, Sucumbíos, Putumayo, Comunidad Puerto Bolívar a 2:30 horas del puente del río Cuyabeno aguas abajo. Bosque poco intervenido, inundado por aguas blancas. Suelo arcilloso rojizo. Proyecto Etnobotánico del Herbarío Nacional, co-financiado por PetroEcuador., -0.0977777 -76.1519444, 250m

101095Anders Sánchez Barfod   412451982-11-21
Ecuador, Pichincha, Cotopaxi Nature Reserve, Limpio Pongo. Low shrubs adpressed to the ground, lichens dominating. Scattered bushes of Baccharis sp, Gynoxis sp. and Chuquiragua sp. reaching a height of 1.5 m., -0.7 -78.41666, 3850m

101097Anders Sánchez Barfod   412491982-11-21
Ecuador, Pichincha, Cotopaxi Nature Reserve, Limpio Pongo. Low shrubs adpressed to the ground, lichens dominating. Scattered bushes of Baccharis sp, Gynoxis sp. and Chuquiragua sp. reaching a height of 1.5 m., -0.7 -78.41666, 3850m

Viola arguta Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.
135057Anders Sánchez Barfod   600931985-07-22
Ecuador, Pichincha, Alluriquin - Quito road, km 50. Creek along a small riverine. Shrubby vegetation., 0.46666 -78.73333, 2700m

Verbenaceae J. St.-Hil.
91316Anders Sánchez Barfod   410511982-10-25
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Río Zapallo Grande (tributary of Río Cayapa). Trail leading to hills from the riverbank opposite to the evangelic mission station. Lightly disturbed rain forest on terra firme. Ethnobot. inform.: Marclovio Añapa and Vicente Tapuyo., 0.8 -78.8667, 200m

91357Anders Sánchez Barfod   414681983-01-18
Ecuador, Carchi, N of San Marcos along trail leading to Río San Juan. Primary rain forest on terra firme. Ethnobot. inform.: Santiago Dinero., 1.1167 -78.3333, 660m

52403Anders Sánchez Barfod   413731983-01-12
Ecuador, Carchi, Chical. Clearing near the house of Messias Guanga, c. 1 hours walk SE of Chical. Ethnobot. inform.: Messias Guanga. [coordinates changed from 1.5N, 78.15W to 1.02N, 78.14W], 1200m

171686Anders Sánchez Barfod   488551983-11-20
Ecuador, Carchi, San Marcos valley. Farmland and rain forest disturbed by the local Coaiquer (Awa) Amerindians., 1.1167 -78.3667, 600m

Page 1316, records 131501-131600 of 206562

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