Dataset: NYBG-Plantae
Search Criteria: Ecuador; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 20, records 1901-2000 of 12824

Herbario NYBG

Jaltomata Schltdl.
852605T. B. Croat   881962003-04-28
Ecuador, Imbabura, Road from Cotacachi to Apuela, 29.7 Km from Quiroga, 33.8 Km E of Apuela, 0.3425 -78.4206, 2948 - 2948m

852606T. B. Croat   892112003-05-22
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Along road from Gualaceo to Limón, 32 Km E of Gualaceo, 5.5 Km E of summit, 4.1 Km E of Morona-Santiago and Azuay Provincial borders, 23.6 Km W of jct. to Indanza, -3.0044 -78.6522, 2804 - 2804m

852608W. G. D'Arcy   157631984-07-14
Ecuador, Azuay, Roadside, top of pass N of Saraguro, 2804 - 2804m

852614J. E. Ramos Pérez   59722003-07-17
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, Sigchos, Orillas del Río Los Illinizas, -0.5803 -78.7894, 2280 - 2280m

852627W. G. D'Arcy   149241982-09-03
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Around N side of Ibarra, 2195 - 2195m

852628T. B. Croat   388431976-09-04
Ecuador, Pichincha, Along road between Nono and Nanegal NW of Quito; 17 km NW of Nono, (9 km SE of Tandayapa), 2000 - 2000m

852629T. B. Croat   891142003-05-21
Ecuador, Azuay, Road between Gualaceo and Sigsig, 8.3 Km S of Chordeleg, along Río Zhao, -2.92 -78.8117, 2300 - 2300m

852630T. B. Croat   898822003-05-31
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Road from Zamora to Loja, 58.6 Km E of summit and border of Loja Province, -3.0961 -79.0536, 2100 - 2100m

852631T. B. Croat   881332003-04-28
Ecuador, Imbabura, Road between Cotacachi and Apuela, 6.3 Km W of Quiroga, 0.2869 -78.3361, 2940 - 2940m

852632T. B. Croat   86293
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Parque Nacional Sangay. Along road between Riobamba and Macas, between Cebadas and Zuñac, between Atillo and current end of road (ca. 20 Km beyond summit and limit with Chimborazo Prov.), 8 Km east of guard house for park near Chimborazo Province., -2.21 -78.4183, 2710 - 2710m

Solanum longifilamentum Särkinen & P. Gonzáles
852633W. G. D'Arcy   157081984-07-13
Ecuador, Loja, Road between Loja and Villcabamba, 2225 - 2225m

852635W. G. D'Arcy   140831981-01-12
Ecuador, Napo, Between Tena and Baeza

852639J. E. Ramos Pérez   62112003-07-18
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, Sigchos, Finca de Antonio Tigse, -0.5953 -78.8319, 3060 - 3060m

852652C. E. Cerón Martínez   159091991-08-05
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito, Parroquia Calacali. Reserva Geobotanica del Pululahuá, 0.08 -78.5, 3100 - 3100m

Solanum longifilamentum Särkinen & P. Gonzáles
852654T. B. Croat   920092004-07-23
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Road from Namiera to Nambija, along mining road, 10.0 km S of Namirez and Río Zamora, vicinity of Nambija, along road to mine headquarters ca. 5 km long, just south of Nambija., -4.0622 -78.7914, 1779 - 1779m

Solanum longifilamentum Särkinen & P. Gonzáles
852655T. B. Croat   926222004-07-29
Ecuador, Loja, Road from Vilcabamba and Valladoloid [Valladolid], 36.7 km S of Vilcabamba, 15.2 [km] S of Yangana., -4.3 -79.2417, 2450 - 2450m

852678C. E. Cerón Martínez   160511991-08-08
Ecuador, Azuay, Nabón, Parroquia Cochapata., -3.3833 -79.08, 2720 - 2720m

852679T. B. Croat   93223A2004-08-12
Ecuador, Pichincha, Road between Chilligallo and Santa Domingo via San Juan and Chiriboga, 18.8 km W of Chilligallo, 12.8 km W of San Juan, -0.295 -78.6572, 2198 - 2198m

Jaltomata Schltdl.
852680T. B. Croat   881512003-04-28
Ecuador, Imbabura, Road between Cotacachi and Apuela, 18 Km W of Quiroga, 0.3108 -78.3942, 3353 - 3353m

852681T. B. Croat   889682003-05-19
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, Road between Guamote and Cuenca, 87 Km from Guamote, 10.8 Km N of Sagüine, 20.6 Km NNE of border with Cañar Province., -2.2636 -78.9194, 2148 - 2148m

852682T. B. Croat   861792002-08-07
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, West along road between limit with Morona-Santiago and Riobamba, 30.9 Km east then north of guard camp for park (located inside Prov. of Morona-Santiago border), 48.4 Km S of Cebadas, 73.5 Km S of Punin., -2.0386 -78.6197, 3206 - 3206m

852722H. Lugo S.   12661969-05-02
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Ulba, southern side of Río Pastaza, ca. 4 km east of Baños

852723G. L. Webster   312811995-01-14
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito, Parroquia Calacali: road to Reserva Geobotánica del Pululahua, 2 km airline NE of Calacalí, 0.0083333 -78.5, 2800 - 2800m

852725W. G. D'Arcy   140411981-01-10
Ecuador, Napo, Forest behind Hotel Jaguar, 1 hour down Río Napo by canoe from Misahuallí

852748H. Lugo S.   12971969-05-08
Ecuador, Chimborazo, Manzano, ca. 1 km north of Puela.

852749A. S. Barfod   412841982-12-05
Ecuador, Napo, South-western slopes of Vulcán Antisana., -0.5 -78.17, 3100 - 3100m

Solanum longifilamentum Särkinen & P. Gonzáles
852757D. H. Knight   3861965-05-08
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Along road to Zamora from Loja. Eastern slopes of the Andes in Southern Ecuador, 1700 - 1700m

854773T. B. Croat   950742005-02-20
Ecuador, Carchi, Along road from Mira to El Angel, 1.5 km NE of San Isidro, 0.5978 -77.9753, 3038 - 3038m

Solanum longifilamentum Särkinen & P. Gonzáles
986565L. A. Bohs   34082005-04-03
Ecuador, Loja, Reserva Ecológica Tapichalaca (Fundación Jocotoco) between Yangana and Valladolid. Along Sendero Tangano starting from Jocotoco station., -4.495 -79.1319, 2500 - 2500m

Solanum longifilamentum Särkinen & P. Gonzáles
986566L. A. Bohs   34092005-04-03
Ecuador, Loja, Reserva Ecológica Tapichalaca (Fundación Jocotoco) between Yangana and Valladolid. Along Sendero Tangano starting from Jocotoco station., -4.495 -79.1319, 2500 - 2500m

Solanum longifilamentum Särkinen & P. Gonzáles
986604L. A. Bohs   34342005-04-05
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Fundación Arco Iris, between Loja and Zamora. Trail from field station to Río San Francisco., -3.9889 -79.0931, 2200 - 2200m

986713L. A. Bohs   33092005-03-26
Ecuador, Azuay, 99 km S of Cuenca on road to Loja, just after crossing Río Leon, 6-10 km N of Oña., -3.4169 -79.1544, 2000 - 2000m

Solanum longifilamentum Särkinen & P. Gonzáles
986726L. A. Bohs   33542005-03-29
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Chinchipe, Parroquia Zumba. Quebrada Tarrangamí, near cabin of Sandy León, W of Escuela Byron Jiménez, just S of Las Pircas, region of Guaramizal., -4.7806 -79.2092, 2000 - 2000m

Solanum nigrescens M. Martens & Galeotti
1100994T. B. Croat   974192006-03-27
Ecuador, Pichincha, Along road from Tandayapa to Mindo, 7.2 m S of Tandayapa., -0.0067 -78.6739, 1790 - 1790m

Hebeclinium bullatissimum R.M. King & H. Rob.
2637143J. L. Clark   80202003-05-24
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Baños, Hotel "El Otro Lado." Río Verde (tributary of Río Pastaza); near El Pailon del Diablo., -1.4036 -78.2889, 1500m

2637145J. L. Clark   81162003-05-29
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Palanda, Parroquia: Valladolid. Southern slopes of the Cordillera de Sabanilla (headwaters of Río Chinchipe). Tapichalaca Reserve (Fundación Jocotoco). Trail from highway to paramo (airplane wreckage)., -4.4756 -79.1633, 2800 - 3400m

Dodonaea viscosa (L.) Jacq.
2637148J. L. Clark   80462003-05-27
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Vilcabamba. Cerro Mandango; 3-5 km east of the town Vilcabamba., -4.2633 -79.2228, 1600 - 1900m

2151806H. Balslev   2667
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, Podocarpus National Park, 3-6 km S of the train station, -0.67 -78.5

879313H. Balslev   47651983-12-27
Ecuador, Pichincha, Carretera Quito-Puerto Quito, Km 113, 10 km al Norte de la carretera principal., 0.08 -79.03, 800m

Solanum antisuyo Särkinen & S. Knapp
852640J. E. Ramos Pérez   64472003-07-23
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, Sigchos, Casa del señor Marco Sillio, en la base de Cerro Azul, -0.6 -78.8408, 3176 - 3176m

Solanum antisuyo Särkinen & S. Knapp
852651C. E. Cerón Martínez   180381992-01-06
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito, Parroquia Calacali, Reserva Geobotánica del Pululahua. Sendero a los Tanques de Captación del agua, 0.05 -78.33, 2600 - 2800m

Solanum antisuyo Särkinen & S. Knapp
852656T. B. Croat   863552002-08-10
Ecuador, Azuay, Road between Gualaceo and Limón (Gen. Plaza Guttiérrez), 12.6 Km east of Gualaceo (last bridge at south end of town), 2.9361 -78.7117, 2943 - 2943m

Glomus L. R. and C. Tulasne, 1845
946062K. P. Dumont   Dumont-EC6851975-07-19
Ecuador, Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, ca. 19 Km from Santo Domingo, on the new road from Santo Domingo to Quito, 792 - 792m

2084557Jameson   6
Ecuador, Chimborazo, [No precise loc.]

2084573Jameson   6
Ecuador, Chimborazo, [No precise loc.]

Carex setigluma Reznicek & S. González
636795G. W. Prescott   7011953-01-03
Ecuador, Carchi, Near El Pun.

Eschweilera awaensis S.A. Mori & Cornejo
3108400Á. J. Pérez   60532013-02-11
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Resserva Río - Fundación Jocotoco., 0.52628 -79.2128, 300m

1170185B. Maguire   443451959-09-28
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, 3 mi from Loja, 2316 - 2316m

Ephedra americana Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.
2200838C. Ulloa Ulloa   10871987-01-10
Ecuador, Azuay, Cuenca, Parque Nacional Cajas, km 28 redondel Cuenca-Molleturo. Sendero Laguna Patoquinoas, -2.7858 -79.205, 3730m

2629695C. Ulloa Ulloa   19412011-05-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Via Nanegalito - Mindo, Reserva Las Gralarias, 4 km, desde el carretero, -0.0108 -78.7303, 2070m

Dalea coerulea Schinz & Thell.
1306226B. Maguire   616871969-09-13
Ecuador, Cañar, 100 km out of Cuenca along road to Suscal, 3000m

2450819B. Maguire   442211959-09-16
Ecuador, Carchi, In subpáramo (Páramo de Angel)., 3300m

2450820B. Maguire   442411959-09-19
Ecuador, Pichincha, About 14 km out of Latacunga., 3500m

2450821B. Maguire   442331959-09-16
Ecuador, Carchi, In subpáramo (Páramo de Angel)., 3300m

2450887B. Maguire   442341959-09-16
Ecuador, Carchi, Frequent in subparamo (Paramo de Angel)., 3300m

1834069W. A. Weber   B-13001
Ecuador, Galápagos, Isla Santa Cruz (Indefatigable I): vicinity of Academy Bay. La Copa., 800m

1834068W. A. Weber   B-14200
Ecuador, Galápagos, Galapagos Islands. Isla Santa Cruz (Indefatigable I): vicinity of Academy Bay., 790m

1836340Jameson   s.n.
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito.

1836538Collector unspecified   s.n.
Ecuador, Andes Quitenses.

Schefflera J.R. Forst. & G. Forst.
2609227J. L. Clark   57662000-12-28
Ecuador, Napo, Quijos, Parroquia: Cosanga. Yanayacu Biological Station and Center for Creative Studies. 5 km west of Cosanga (via the Las Cancheras road)., -0.598833 -77.8895, 2200m

Schefflera J.R. Forst. & G. Forst.
2609234J. L. Clark   60862001-01-19
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Baños, -1.41072 -78.1386, 1400 - 2000m

Schefflera J.R. Forst. & G. Forst.
2609217J. L. Clark   63902001-12-08
Ecuador, Carchi, Tulcán, Parroquia: Maldonado. Collection made along path from the village of Maldonado towards an area known locally as "Bombiadora." C.a, 4-6 km SW of Maldonado., 0.892583 -78.1236, 1500 - 2200m

2681149J. L. Clark   94662006-06-22
Ecuador, Pichincha, Mejía, Parroquia: Aloag. Reserva Ecologica Bomboli, near km 20 on the Hwy Aloag-Santo Domingo., 0.4519 -78.6742, 2800 - 2900m

Schefflera J.R. Forst. & G. Forst.
2680978J. L. Clark   93992005-08-17
Ecuador, Napo, Parroquia: Ahuano. Estación Biológica Jatun Sacha, 8 km E of Misahuallí. Near Río Napo. Sector: Agua Playa; Finca Acaro., -1.2881 -77.8817, 910m

2609238J. L. Clark   60852001-01-19
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Baños, -1.41072 -78.1386, 1400 - 2000m

Nitella axillaris Nitella axillaris A.Braun
1192292J. Hendrickson   H-351964-02-18
Ecuador, Galápagos, Santa Cruz Island, El Chato, tortoise country 15-18 km west of Bella Vista., -0.637899 -90.3457, 200 - 300m

2694021F. R. Fosberg   274831947-05-20
Ecuador, Napo, Napo-Pastaza: Valley of Río Papallacta, 1-5 km. below Cuyuja, 58--62 km E.S.E. of Quito. 26° S, 78°W, -0.4378 -77.9697, 2600 - 2800m

2603738F. R. Fosberg   228371945-02-08
Ecuador, Azuay, Río Jubones Drainage. Hacienda Zuzudel, 2 km S of Santa Rosa, S end of Cordillera Alpachaca, 43 km S of Cuenca., -3.27 -79.05, 3000m

2603739F. R. Fosberg   228351945-02-08
Ecuador, Azuay, Río Jubones Drainage. Hacienda Zuzudel, 2 km S of Santa Rosa, S end of Cordillera Alpachaca, 43 km S of Cuenca., -3.27 -79.05, 3000m

2603740F. R. Fosberg   228441945-02-08
Ecuador, Azuay, Río Jubones Drainage. Hacienda Zuzudel, 2 km S of Santa Rosa, S end of Cordillera Alpachaca, 43 km S of Cuenca., -3.27 -79.05, 3000m

2153201F. R. Fosberg   230721945-02-15
Ecuador, Quebrada Amarilla, Hacienda Guaycopamba, on Rio Guayocopamba, 22km. S of Villacabamba., -4.47 -79.22, 1800 - 1850m

2491813F. R. Fosberg   231201945-02-19
Ecuador, Loja, Divide between Quebrada Jipiru and E fork of Río Zamora, W slope Cord. de Zamora (El Condor), 9 km E of Loja., -4 -79.1, 2700m

2494435F. R. Fosberg   226881945-02-02
Ecuador, Rio Paute Drainage. Valley of Rio Masar near Shoray. Slopes above river., 2310m

2494436F. R. Fosberg   226901945-02-02
Ecuador, Rio Paute Drainage. Valley of Rio Masar near Shoray. Slopes above river., 2310m

2494437F. R. Fosberg   224621945-01-05
Ecuador, Pichincha, Cordillera Occidental. Near Ganzacoto, drainage of Rio Quitasol, N of Cerro Corazon, 35 km SSW of Quito., 2225m

2463750F. R. Fosberg   227511945-02-05
Ecuador, Cañar, Rio Paute Drainage. Huertaspambas, N slope of canyon of Rio Paute bet. Rio Masar and Rio Monay, 35 km ENE of Azoguez.

2524501F. R. Fosberg   227551945-02-05
Ecuador, Cañar, Río Paute Drainage. Santo Tomas, steep wall of valley of Río Masar, opposite Shoray, 36 km ENE of Azogues. Rocky steep slope., -2.57 -78.55, 2460m

2527917F. R. Fosberg   228111945-02-05
Ecuador, Cañar, Headwaters of Río Mangán, 20-22 km ENE of Azogues. Open places., -2.63 -78.67, 3300m

2528350F. R. Fosberg   226811945-02-02
Ecuador, Cañar, Río Paute Drainage. West side of Cerro Yanguang (ridge E of Río Dudas) across from Pindilic, 33 km ENE of Azogues., -2.58 -78.57, 3000 - 3200m

2528352F. R. Fosberg   226821945-02-02
Ecuador, Cañar, Río Paute Drainage. West side of Cerro Yanguang (ridge E of Río Dudas) across from Pindilic, 33 km ENE of Azogues., -2.58 -78.57, 3000 - 3200m

2528382F. R. Fosberg   230791945-02-15
Ecuador, Loja, Río Catamayo Drainage. Quebrada Amarilla, Hacienda Guaycopamba, on Río Guaycopamba, 22 km S of Vilcabamba., -4.47 -79.22, 1800 - 1850m

2603303F. R. Fosberg   227841945-02-05
Ecuador, Cañar, Río Paute Drainage. Top of pass over Cerro Yanguang, E of Río Dudas, directly opposite Pindilic, 33 km ENE of Azogues., -2.58 -78.57, 3260m

2643640F. R. Fosberg   226931945-02-03
Ecuador, Cañar, East side of valley of Río Monay, 40 km ENE of AZOGUES. Forest on steep slope., -2.55 -78.52, 2370 - 2645m

Stelis Panzer, 1806
2689557F. R. Fosberg   275951947-05-23
Ecuador, Napo, Laguna de Papallacta, just above Papallacta, valley of Río Papallacta, 44 km. S.E. of Quito, -0.38 -78.15, 3500m

2645196F. R. Fosberg   227261945-02-03
Ecuador, Cañar, W side of valley of Río Monay, 39 km ENE of Azogues., -2.57 -78.52, 2460m

Tibouchina laxa (Desr.) Cogn.
2594322F. R. Fosberg   227611945-02-05
Ecuador, Cañar, Santo Tomas, steep wall of valley of Río Masar, opposite Shoray, 36 km ENE of Azogues., -2.57 -78.55, 2310m

2450717F. R. Fosberg   226481945-01-29
Ecuador, Cañar, Cordillera Occidental. Cerro Buerán (Páramo de Curiquinga). 5 km S of Cañar., 3570 - 3630m

Solanum cheesmaniae (L. Riley) Fosberg
853002F. R. Fosberg   450121964-02-03
Ecuador, Galápagos, Narborough Island. Southwest slope., 300 - 300m

Epidendrum fosbergii Hágsater & Dodson
1047713F. R. Fosberg   227001945-02-03
Ecuador, Cañar, East side of valley of Río Monay, 40 km. E.N.E. of Azogues, -2.55 -78.52, 2370 - 2645m

2151404F. R. Fosberg   226761945-02-02
Ecuador, Cañar, W of Cerro Yanguang, ridge E of Río Dudas, across from Pindilic, 33 km ENE of Azogues, -2.58 -78.57, 3200 - 3200m

1492487F. R. Fosberg   232091945-02-21
Ecuador, Azuay, Tablon de Oña, south of Oña., 2535m

1241165P. C. D. Cazalet   75391962-01-27
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Taisha, banks of R. Guaguayme, -2.38 -77.5, 457m

1275000P. C. D. Cazalet   50851961-10-19
Ecuador, Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, 20 km W of Santo Domingo de los Colorados., -0.22 -79.33, 305m

307389P. C. D. Cazalet   54791961-02-12
Ecuador, Imbabura, Lago San Marcos, Cayambe, 0.03 -77.97, 3414 - 3414m

727221P. C. D. Cazalet   54701961-12-02
Ecuador, Imbabura, Lago San Marcos. Cayambe., 3414 - 3414m

468072P. C. D. Cazalet   53101961-11-24
Ecuador, Imbabura, Lago San Marcos, Cayambe, 3414 - 3414m

1126666P. C. D. Cazalet   51101961-10-22
Ecuador, Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, 20 km W of Santo Domingo de los Colorados, -0.22 -79.33

414168P. C. D. Cazalet   52381961-11-01
Ecuador, Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, 20 km. W of Santo Domingo de los Colorados, -0.22 -79.33, 305 - 305m

229295P. C. D. Cazalet   56021961-12-15
Ecuador, Napo/Pastaza border. Oriente Trail, ENE of Cayambe Mountain, 2896 - 2896m

245867P. C. D. Cazalet   51951961-10-29
Ecuador, Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, 20 km W of Santo Domingo de los Colorados, -0.22 -79.33, 305 - 305m

Page 20, records 1901-2000 of 12824

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