Dataset: INABIOEC-QCNE-Bryophyta
Search Criteria: Ecuador; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 9, records 801-900 of 5212


Plagiochila Dumort.
257219M. Burghardt   MB 105102018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2931m

Plagiochila bicuspidata Gottsche
257220M. Burghardt   MB 105112018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2931m

257221M. Burghardt   MB 105122018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2931m

257222M. Burghardt   MB 105132018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2931m

Frullania Raddi
257223M. Burghardt   MB 105142018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2931m

257224M. Burghardt   MB 105152018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2931m

257273M. Burghardt   MB 105162018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2931m

257225M. Burghardt   MB 105172018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2931m

257226M. Burghardt   MB 105182018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2930m

Lethocolea glossophylla (Spruce) Grolle
257227M. Burghardt   MB 105192018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2930m

257228M. Burghardt   MB 105202018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2930m

Philonotis uncinata (Schwägr.) Brid.
257229M. Burghardt   MB 105212018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2930m

Leptobryum pyriforme (Hedw.) Wilson
257230M. Burghardt   MB 105222018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2930m

257231M. Burghardt   MB 105232018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2930m

Pohlia papillosa (A.Jaeger) Broth.
257232M. Burghardt   MB 105242018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2930m

Prionodon densus (Hedw.) Müll.Hal.
257233M. Burghardt   MB 105252018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2925m

Chionoloma tenuirostre (Hook. et Taylor) M.Alonso, M.J.Cano et J.A.Jiménez
257234M. Burghardt   MB 105262018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2925m

257235M. Burghardt   MB 105272018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2925m

257236M. Burghardt   MB 105282018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2925m

257237M. Burghardt   MB 105292018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2925m

257238M. Burghardt   MB 105302018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2925m

257239M. Burghardt   MB 105312018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2925m

257240M. Burghardt   MB 105322018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2925m

Phaeoceros Prosk.
257241M. Burghardt   MB 105332018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2925m

Riccardia chamedryfolia (With.) Grolle
257242M. Burghardt   MB 105342018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2925m

257243M. Burghardt   MB 105352018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2925m

257244M. Burghardt   MB 105362018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2925m

257245M. Burghardt   MB 105372018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2922m

257246M. Burghardt   MB 105382018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2922m

Metzgeria Raddi
257247M. Burghardt   MB 105392018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2922m

257248M. Burghardt   MB 105402018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2922m

Bryoerythrophyllum campylocarpum (Müll. Hal.) H.A.Crum
257249M. Burghardt   MB 105412018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, just S of the southern part of the northern ravine (Q1) on the NE-side of the Park., 2916m

Eurhynchium semiscabrum E.B.Bartram
257250M. Burghardt   MB 105422018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, just S of the southern part of the northern ravine (Q1) on the NE-side of the Park., 2916m

Lophonardia laxifolia (Mont.) L.Söderstr. et Váňa
257251M. Burghardt   MB 105432018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, just S of the southern part of the northern ravine (Q1) on the NE-side of the Park., 2916m

Bryum Hedw.
257252M. Burghardt   MB 105442018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, just S of the southern part of the northern ravine (Q1) on the NE-side of the Park., 2916m

Brachythecium ruderale (Brid.) W.R.Buck
257253M. Burghardt   MB 105452018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, just S of the southern part of the northern ravine (Q1) on the NE-side of the Park., 2916m

Fossombronia crassifolia Spruce
257254M. Burghardt   MB 105462018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, just S of the southern part of the northern ravine (Q1) on the NE-side of the Park., 2916m

Brachymenium fabronioides (Müll.Hal.) Paris
257255M. Burghardt   MB 105472018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, just S of the southern part of the northern ravine (Q1) on the NE-side of the Park., 2916m

Didymodon Hedw.
257256M. Burghardt   MB 105482018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, between northern ravine (Q1) and north-central ravine (Q3) on the W-side of the Park., 2919m

257257M. Burghardt   MB 105492018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2920m

257258M. Burghardt   MB 105502018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2920m

257259M. Burghardt   MB 105512018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2920m

257260M. Burghardt   MB 105522018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2920m

257261M. Burghardt   MB 105532018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2920m

257262M. Burghardt   MB 105542018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2920m

257263M. Burghardt   MB 105552018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2920m

257264M. Burghardt   MB 105562018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2920m

257265M. Burghardt   MB 105572018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2920m

257266M. Burghardt   MB 105582018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2920m

Pohlia papillosa (A.Jaeger) Broth.
257267M. Burghardt   MB 105592018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2920m

Solenostoma hyalinum (Lyell) Mitt.
257268M. Burghardt   MB 105602018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2920m

Plagiochila bicuspidata Gottsche
257269M. Burghardt   MB 105612018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2920m

257270M. Burghardt   MB 105622018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2920m

257271M. Burghardt   MB 105632018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2920m

257274M. Burghardt   MB 105652018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2920m

Pseudocrossidium replicatum (Taylor) R.H.Zander
257275M. Burghardt   MB 105662018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, west-central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2916m

257276M. Burghardt   MB 105672018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, west-central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2916m

Didymodon Hedw.
257277M. Burghardt   MB 105682018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, west-central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2916m

Stephanoleptodontium capituligerum (Müll.Hal.) R.H:Zander
257278M. Burghardt   MB 105692018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, west-central part of the central-northern ravine (Q2) on the N-side of the Park., 2916m

257279M. Burghardt   MB 105702018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, western part of the southernmost large ravine (Q4) on the W-side of the Park., 2894m

257280M. Burghardt   MB 105712018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, western part of the southernmost large ravine (Q4) on the W-side of the Park., 2894m

257281M. Burghardt   MB 105722018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, western part of the southernmost large ravine (Q4) on the W-side of the Park., 2894m

Plagiochila papillifolia Steph.
257282M. Burghardt   MB 105732018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, western part of the southernmost large ravine (Q4) on the W-side of the Park., 2882m

Metzgeria Raddi
257283M. Burghardt   MB 105742018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, western part of the southernmost large ravine (Q4) on the W-side of the Park., 2882m

257284M. Burghardt   MB 105752018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, western part of the southernmost large ravine (Q4) on the W-side of the Park., 2882m

257285M. Burghardt   MB 105762018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, western part of the southernmost large ravine (Q4) on the W-side of the Park., 2882m

Plagiochila Dumort.
257286M. Burghardt   MB 105772018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, western part of the southernmost large ravine (Q4) on the W-side of the Park., 2882m

257287M. Burghardt   MB 105782018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, western part of the southernmost large ravine (Q4) on the W-side of the Park., 2881m

Symphyogyna trivittata Spruce
257288M. Burghardt   MB 105792018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, western part of the southernmost large ravine (Q4) on the W-side of the Park., 2881m

Palamocladium leskeoides (Hook.) E. Britton
257289M. Burghardt   MB 105802018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, western part of the southernmost large ravine (Q4) on the W-side of the Park., 2881m

Orthomnion rhynchophorum (Hook.) T.J.Kop. et Y.Sun
257290M. Burghardt   MB 105812018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, western part of the southernmost large ravine (Q4) on the W-side of the Park., 2881m

257291M. Burghardt   MB 105822018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, western part of the southernmost large ravine (Q4) on the W-side of the Park., 2881m

Nothoceros vincentianus (Lehm. Et Lindenb.) J. C. Villarreal
257292M. Burghardt   MB 105832018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, western part of the southernmost large ravine (Q4) on the W-side of the Park., 2881m

Cratoneuron filicinum (Hedw.) Spruce
257293M. Burghardt   MB 105842018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, western part of the southernmost large ravine (Q4) on the W-side of the Park., 2881m

Symphyogyna trivittata Spruce
257294M. Burghardt   MB 105852018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, western part of the southernmost large ravine (Q4) on the W-side of the Park., 2881m

257295M. Burghardt   MB 105862018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, western part of the southernmost large ravine (Q4) on the W-side of the Park., 2881m

257296M. Burghardt   MB 105872018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, western-central part of the southernmost large ravine (Q4) on the W-side of the Park., 2910m

257297M. Burghardt   MB 105882018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, western-central part of the southernmost large ravine (Q4) on the W-side of the Park., 2910m

Plagiochila stricta Lindenb.
257298M. Burghardt   MB 105892018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, western-central part of the southernmost large ravine (Q4) on the W-side of the Park., 2910m

257299M. Burghardt   MB 105902018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, western-central part of the southernmost large ravine (Q4) on the W-side of the Park., 2910m

Heteroscyphus polyblepharis (Spruce) Schiffn.
257300M. Burghardt   MB 105912018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, western-central part of the southernmost large ravine (Q4) on the W-side of the Park., 2910m

Metzgeria Raddi
257301M. Burghardt   MB 105922018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, western-central part of the southernmost large ravine (Q4) on the W-side of the Park., 2910m

257302M. Burghardt   MB 105932018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, western-central part of the southernmost large ravine (Q4) on the W-side of the Park., 2910m

257303M. Burghardt   MB 105942018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the southernmost large ravine (Q4) on the W-side of the Park., 2933m

257304M. Burghardt   MB 105952018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the southernmost large ravine (Q4) on the W-side of the Park., 2933m

257305M. Burghardt   MB 105962018-12-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the southernmost large ravine (Q4) on the W-side of the Park., 2933m

257306M. Burghardt   MB 105972018-12-27
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, trail about 150 m E of Comunidad Miraflores on the N-side of the Park., 2930m

Phaeoceros Prosk.
257307M. Burghardt   MB 105982018-12-27
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, trail about 150 m E of Comunidad Miraflores on the N-side of the Park., 2930m

Frullania obscura (Sw.) Mont.
257308M. Burghardt   MB 105992018-12-27
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, trail about 150 m E of Comunidad Miraflores on the N-side of the Park., 2930m

257309M. Burghardt   MB 106002018-12-27
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, about 200 m NE of entrance "Calle Bermejo" on the N-side of the Park., 2886m

257310M. Burghardt   MB 106012018-12-27
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, about 200 m NE of entrance "Calle Bermejo" on the N-side of the Park., 2886m

257311M. Burghardt   MB 106022018-12-27
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, about 200 m NE of entrance "Calle Bermejo" on the N-side of the Park., 2886m

Didymodon Hedw.
257312M. Burghardt   MB 106032018-12-27
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, about 200 m NE of entrance "Calle Bermejo" on the N-side of the Park., 2886m

257313M. Burghardt   MB 106042018-12-27
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, about 200 m NE of entrance "Calle Bermejo" on the N-side of the Park., 2886m

257314M. Burghardt   MB 106052018-12-27
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, about 200 m NE of entrance "Calle Bermejo" on the N-side of the Park., 2886m

Stephanoleptodontium capituligerum (Müll.Hal.) R.H:Zander
257315M. Burghardt   MB 106062018-12-27
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, about 200 m NE of entrance "Calle Bermejo" on the N-side of the Park., 2886m

257316M. Burghardt   MB 106072018-12-27
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, about 200 m NE of entrance "Calle Bermejo" on the N-side of the Park., 2886m

257317M. Burghardt   MB 106082018-12-27
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, about 100 m NE of Comunidad Miraflores on the N-side of the Park., 2932m

Brachythecium conostomum (Taylor) A.Jaeger
257318M. Burghardt   MB 106092018-12-27
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, about 100 m NE of Comunidad Miraflores on the N-side of the Park., 2932m

257319M. Burghardt   MB 106102018-12-27
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, about 100 m NE of Comunidad Miraflores on the N-side of the Park., 2932m

Page 9, records 801-900 of 5212

Google Map

Google Maps is a web mapping service provided by Google that features a map that users can pan (by dragging the mouse) and zoom (by using the mouse wheel). Collection points are displayed as colored markers that when clicked on, displays the full information for that collection. When multiple species are queried (separated by semi-colons), different colored markers denote each individual species.

Google Earth (KML)

This creates an KML file that can be opened in the Google Earth mapping application. Note that you must have Google Earth installed on your computer to make use of this option.
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