ECUADOR, -1.4628 -78.1869
53339 Jørgen Korning 47537 1986-02-01
Ecuador, Napo, Sin datos, Añangu, NW corner of the “Parque Nacional Yasuní”. Primary terra firme forest on permanent study plot S of SEF point 51, on the highest plateau in the area. KTH numbers refers to the tagging of all plot trees with DBH above 10 cm., 355 - 365m
53337 Jørgen Korning 47535 1986-02-01
Ecuador, Napo, Sin datos, Añangu, NW corner of the “Parque Nacional Yasuní”. Primary terra firme forest on permanent study plot S of SEF point 51, on the highest plateau in the area. KTH numbers refers to the tagging of all plot trees with DBH above 10 cm., 355 - 365m
125343 David A. Neill 11040 1997-12-15
Ecuador, Pastaza, Pastaza, Site of ARCO Central Processing facility, 33 km east of Puyo. Colonia Bolívar. Premontane wet forest. Primary forest remnants., -1.3833 -77.75, 1000m
127850 Nigel Pitman 3184 0000-00-00
Ecuador, Orellana, Sin datos, Tiputini Biodiversity Station. Terra firme forest in T. Erwin’s entomology transects, Harpia trail., -0.633333 -76.166667, 250m
14023 David A. Neill 7018 1985-11-19
Ecuador, Napo, Sin datos, 6 km río abajo de Misahuallí y 2 km al sur del Río Napo. Bosque Muy Húmedo Tropical. Bosque primario, suelo rojo arcilloso (utisol); colinas pendientes., -1.0833 -77.65, 500m
84104 Milton Aulestia 1581 1994-01-05
Ecuador, Napo, Aguarico, Reserva Étnica Huaorani. Carretera y oleoducto de Maxus en construcción Km 71, al sur del río Tivacuno. Bosque húmedo Tropical. Bosque primario. Colinas de suelo rojo., -0.8333 -76.2333, 250m
44848 Ney Quezada 2246.2.AV135 2023-10-08
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Morona, Centro Juank, -2.190212 -77.86458, 1047m