217971 Gladys Benavides 453 1999-03-18
Ecuador, Pichincha, Santo Domingo, Bosque húmedo tropical., -0.159444 -79.478611, 250m
153947 Thomas Bernard Croat 82159 1998-06-30
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Lita-San Lorenzo Road, 3.7 km W of Río Lita Bridge (below Lita), on steep creek banks., 0.8808 -78.475, 647m
151010 Thomas Bernard Croat 82082 1998-06-25
Ecuador, Pichincha, Vicinity of Santo Domingo de Los Colorados; vicinity of Peripa SW of Santo Domingo; virgin forest., -0.1594 -78.4786, 250m
161928 Thomas Bernard Croat 84129 2000-07-17
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Along road between Lita and San Lorenzo, along side road west to Río San José and Río Tulubí, departing main road 33.4 Km S of Gasolinera San Lorenzo; 0.7 Km W of main highway west of Río San José, E of Río Tulubí., 1.0836 -78.6458, 79m
154278 Thomas Bernard Croat 82823 1998-07-22
Ecuador, Pichincha, Km 113, Nanegalito-Pto-Quito Road, then north on road to Endesa Reserve., 0.0811 -79.0289, 602m
159958 Thomas Bernard Croat 83899 2000-07-12
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Along road to Río Tulubí from main San Lorenzo-Lita hwy, 33.0 Km E of Gasolinera San Lorenzo at edge of San Lorenzo, along Río San José, 1.1 Km N of main hwy., 1.0789 -78.6497, 59m
24186 Michael Howard Grayum 9353 1989-04-07
Ecuador, Pichincha, Ca. 6-8 km N of Alvaro Pérez Intriago (Km 113, Quito-La Independencia hwy.), along tributary of Río Guayllabamba., 0.1667 -79.05, 600m
100200 Walter Armando Palacios Cuenca 13502 1995-02-18
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Quinindé, Carretera Herrera-El Páramo (Sta. Isabel). Estación Biológica Bilsa. Bosque primarío nublado. Bosque húmedo Pre-montano., 0.36 -79.7111, 580m
89012 Nigel Pitman 1031 1994-12-07
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Quinindé, Bilsa Biological Station. Montañas de Mache, 35 km W of Quinind, 5 km W of Santa Isabela. Premontane Wet Forest. Primary and disturbed forest W of cabin., 0.35 -79.73333, 400 - 600m