73448 Alberto Dik 70 1993-08-08
Ecuador, Napo, La Joya de los Sachas, Parque Nacional Yasuní. Carretera y oleoducto de Maxus, en construcción, Km 45. Bosque húmedo Tropical. Bosque primarío sobre colinas, suelo rojo., -0.75 -76.4666667, 230m
223118 Juergen Homeier 3259 2007-10-29
Ecuador, Napo, area of the Selva Viva reserve, tropical lowland forest, -1.0667 -77.5167
79879 David A. Neill 10223 1993-04-02
Ecuador, Sucumbíos, Lago Agrio, Reserva Faunística Cuyabeno. Río Cuyabeno, 5 km downstream (southeast) of Laguna Grande, Primary forest on hills, red enroute to Puerto Bolívar. Tropical Moist Forest. Blackwater river with undisturbed forest on riverbank. Vegetation at river's edge., 220m
79760 David A. Neill 10218 1993-04-02
Ecuador, Sucumbíos, Lago Agrio, Reserva Faunística Cuyabeno. Río Cuyabeno, 5 km SE of Laguna Grande, enroute to Puerto Bolívar. Blackwater river with undisturbed forest on banks. Vegetation at river's edge. Tropical Moist Forest., 220m
143919 Henrik Balslev 84771 1989-04-02
Ecuador, Sucumbíos, Reserva Faunistica Cuyabeno. Río Cuyabeno from outlet of Laguna Grande and 5 km upstream. Tropical rain forest along mixed black- and white-water river., 0.0167 -76.1833, 265m
229955 T. Dávila 3043 2011-09-30
Ecuador, Sucumbíos, Putumayo, Laguna Macurococha, 213m
264841 Juan Ernesto Guevara 1389 2000-05-31
Ecuador, Orellana, Aguarico, Comunidad Kichwa de Zancudo, -0.583333333333333 -75.421, 210m
46163 Ney Quezada 2656.1.AV212 2023-00-00
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Twintza, Kashpaim, -2.837897 -77.723406, 206m
46164 Ney Quezada 2656.1.AV079 2023-00-00
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Twintza, Kashpaim, -2.837897 -77.723406, 206m