149725 Peter Sklenár 7460 1999-06-28
Ecuador, Pichincha, NE side of the Cotopaxi volcano, super páramo vegetation., 4100 - 4600m
156961 Peter Sklenár 7497 0199-05-07
Ecuador, Chimborazo, W side of the Chimborazo volcano, around small stream bellow the upper refuge., 4900 - 4900m
122710 Peter Sklenár 88-10 1995-08-19
Ecuador, Chimborazo, El Altar, N side of the volcano, humid superparamo on the ridge the Canoningo peak., 4500 - 4500m
206361 Peter Sklenár 9200 2006-10-24
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, Paramo de Quispicacha, easterm slope of Loma Pucyucuchu. Transition between the grass paramo and superparamo vegetation with tussocks of Calamagrostis intermedi and suchions of Azorella pedunculata, and Xenophyllum humile, disturbed by grazing and trampli., -1.0858 -78.8386, 4300 - 4300m
126494 Alina Freire Fierro 2936 1998-11-26
Ecuador, Napo, Quijos, Reserva Ecológica Antisana. Laguna de Santa Lucía, al oeste del Volcán Antisana. Páramo tipo pajonal., -0.4666667 -78.1833333, 4300m
136853 Simon Lægaard 19475 1999-01-14
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Along trail Mesa Tablon to Limpiopungu S of Lag. Pisayambo. Superparamo without traces of fires, 4150 - 4250m
122172 Paul M. Ramsay 376 1987-09-03
Ecuador, Chimborazo, Collanes valley, Páramo de los Altares, 4300m
121934 Paul M. Ramsay 239 1987-08-19
Ecuador, Pichincha, Between Alao and Daldal valleys, 10Km SE of Licto., -0.25 -78.2, 4250m
44137 Antoine Nicolas 165 2013-06-23
Ecuador, Napo, Papallacta, Parque Nacional Cayambe Coca, paramo above La virgen Pass (along Ruta E28, Pifo to Papallacta), entrance from Guardiania Las Antenas, below the Antennas, -0.318528 -78.192139, 4360m