ECUADOR, -1.4628 -78.1869
237783 Diana Margoth Fernández Fernández 1623 2010-09-16
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Ambato, Cabecera de la Cuenca Alta del río Ambato. Zona de Amortiguamiento de la Reserva de Producción Faunística Chimborazo. Sector Lasabanza. Comunidad de Yatzaputzan. Humedal Huambapamba., -1.387603 -78.800719, 4060m
219250 Carlos Aedo 13188 2006-07-26
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, P.N. Podocarpus, cerro Toledo, páramo, turbera, -4.374722 -79.111111, 3110m
94150 Peter Møller Jørgensen 1237 1994-12-06
Ecuador, Loja, Saraguro, Fierro Urco, Saraguro-Loja, Km 12.4 turnoff towards Fierro Urco, Km 23.8. Páramo frequently burned., -3.719444 -79.321667, 3840m
94696 Peter Møller Jørgensen 731 1994-11-22
Ecuador, Loja, Espíndola, Cordillera de Las Lagunitas. Amaluza-Jimbura-Zumba, Km 36. Shrubby vegetation and surrounding páramo and subpáramo., -4.726389 -79.433333, 3390m
156859 Peter Møller Jørgensen 1691 2000-01-07
Ecuador, Azuay, Road Jima-San Miguel, Páramos de Matanga. Páramo and upper Andean forest vegetation with Brachyotum, Miconia, and Gaultheria., 3330 - 3540m
155243 Peter Møller Jørgensen 1786 2000-01-11
Ecuador, Azuay, Road Sigsig-Gualaquiza, km 25.6. At the pass on military post road. Wet páramo vegetation with large patches of Neurolepis. Km 3.3 from pass to military post., -3.1869 -78.7944, 3200 - 3330m
156106 Peter Møller Jørgensen 1879 2000-01-12
Ecuador, Azuay, Road Gualaceo-Limón (General Plaza Gutiérrez), km 25.2. Side road at the pass to antennas and military post 1.5 km. Grass páramo, very wet, with Puya and Escallonia myrtilloides., 3540 - 3600m
120189 George Lewis 2741 1996-10-25
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Road Loja - Cuenca, km 50, track to Fierro Urco, km 12. Vegetation: grass paramo on 30-40 cm deep black humic soil., -3.683333 -79.283333, 3600m
120231 George Lewis 2792 1996-11-14
Ecuador, Loja, Saraguro, Road Loja-Saraguro km 53, track to Fierro Urco, km 6.5. Vegetation: bosque húmedo andino and tussock grass paramo (recently burnt in places) with ericaceous scrub., -3.7 -79.3, 3350m
46931 Benjamin Øllgaard 90971 1989-03-12
Ecuador, Loja, Saraguro, Road Lomo del Oro (S of Saraguro) toward Fierro Urcu,c. km 13. Paramo and shrub-paramo, influenced by fire., -3.95 -79.583333, 3550 - 3650m
122908 Paul M. Ramsay 625 1987-09-21
Ecuador, Azuay, Páramo, Cumbe-Oh, -3.3333 -79.1667, 3100m
468263 W. H. Camp E5138 1945-08-31
Ecuador, Azuay, North and northwest of the Páramo del Castillo (ca. 6-8 km. N-NE of Sevilla de Oro), 3414m
860 Lis Ellemann 66888 1989-01-22
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Valladolid, -4 -79.3333, 3400m
2758 G. P. Lewis 2792 1996-11-14
Ecuador, El Oro, Saracay, -3.701864 -79.8002
3994 B. Øllgaard 90971 1989-03-12
Ecuador, Loja, San Pablo de Tenta, -3.7 -79.3167
19438 Nikolay Arturo Aguirre Mendoza 121 2012-10-23
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Cajanuma, -4.083475 -79.205419, 3400m
32609 C. Aedo 13188 2006-07-26
Ecuador, Loja, Yangana, -4.3914 -79.1122, 3110m