122344 Paul M. Ramsay 892 1987-10-21
Ecuador, Carchi, Tulcán, Southern slopes of Volcan Chiles. Paramo grassland., 0.8167 -77.95, 4100m
242864 P. L. Keating 196 1993-07-31
Ecuador, Loja, sin datos, In the páramo and shrub páramo above the Refugio de Cajanuma (Centro de Información), Podocarpus National Park., 3200 - 3400m
154298 RBu sin datos 1996-10-23
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, sin datos, Cordillera de Sabanilla, cerca de la carretera Jimbura-Zumba, Páramos alrededor de la Laguna Negra, inclinación 20-60°., 3300 - 3500m
151945 K. B. Hungerer 98/2 1998-07-26
Ecuador, Carchi, sin datos, Road from El Angel to the entrance of the national parc, 5 km north of La Libertad. On grazed meadows W of the road. Meagre grazed meadows with much Gentianella., 3100m
151946 K. B. Hungerer 98/3 1998-07-26
Ecuador, Carchi, sin datos, About 22 km NW of El Angel in the paramo de El Angel. Near the road about 3km W of the national parc entrance. Espeletia paramo., 3600m
151964 K. B. Hungerer 98/4 1998-07-27
Ecuador, Carchi, sin datos, About 22 km NW of El Angel in the paramo de El Angel. Abundant in the Espeletia paramo. In dryer parts of the Espeletia paramo., 3700 - 4000m
151947 K. B. Hungerer 98/4 1998-07-27
Ecuador, Carchi, sin datos, About 22 km NW of El Angel in the paramo de El Angel. Abundant in the Espeletia paramo. In dryer parts of the Espeletia paramo., 3700 - 4000m
151948 K. B. Hungerer 98/5 1998-07-28
Ecuador, Carchi, sin datos, Near summit of the road from El Carmelo to the Pan American Highway. Eastern part of the small Espeletia paramo. Wet paramo relics., 3200m