V0415392F R. Aguinda 1185 2001-08-13
Ecuador, Sucumbios, Eastern slopes of the Andes, in the RÃo Cofanes watershed, on the eastern face of Cerro Shishicho. Ridgeline trail above campsite #7 (Shishicho) on Rapid Biological Inventory #3., 0.2003 -77.5317, 1400 - 1500m
V0415391F R. Aguinda 1609 2001-08-10
Ecuador, Sucumbios, Eastern slopes of the Andes, in the RÃo Ccuccono watershed. Vicinity of campsite #5 (Ccuccono Beach) on Rapid Biological Inventory #3., 0.1358 -77.5467, 940 - 1000m
V0415357F R. Aguinda 1057 2001-07-29
Ecuador, Sucumbios, Eastern slopes of the Andes, ca. 10 km south of the Ecuador-Colombia border, ridgeline north of campsite #2 (Bermejo Vista) and south of Cerro Sur Pax, on Rapid Biological Inventory #3., 0.3039 -77.4089, 1200 - 1300m
ECUADOR, -1.4628 -78.1869
V0415356F R. Aguinda 1036 2001-07-27
Ecuador, Sucumbios, Eastern slopes of the Andes, ca. 10 km south of the Ecuador-Colombia border, ridgeline north of campsite #2 (Bermejo Vista) and south of Cerro Sur Pax, on Rapid Biological Inventory #3., 0.3039 -77.4089, 1200 - 1300m
82254 Alberto Angel Alvarado 287 1989-05-03
Ecuador, Napo, Cantón Archidona. Faldas al sur del Volcán Sumaco. Carretera Hollín-Loreto, km 50. Comuna Huahua Sumaco. Bosque pluvial Pre Montano. Suelos de origen volcánico., -0.7333 -77.5667, 1100m
146858 Jonas Erik Lawesson 43474 1983-04-11
Ecuador, Napo, Río Yasuní. River-banks around Garza Coche., 200m
109198 David A. Neill 10627 1996-04-25
Ecuador, Napo, Archidona, Parque Nacional Sumaco Napo-Galeras. Cordillera de Galeras. Premontane Rain Forest on limestone substrate. Forested ridge on southeast side of mountain, near Triton petroleum seismic study line 30., -0.88333 -77.55, 1450m
99563 Jonas Erik Lawesson 43474 1983-04-11
Ecuador, Napo, Río Yasuní. River-banks around Garza Coche., 200m